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Green Eggs and Ham
by Dr. Seuss Year Published: 1960Who Lays Eggs
by Karen Year Published:Flip Flop and the BFFs
by Janice Levy Year Published: 2012Week of April 20
Monday Read Flip Flop and the BFFs on ABDO digital learning on my webpage AR Quiz # 147206
Tuesday Retell the story using the words on a chart that you make on a piece of paper. After you write the word somebody tell who was needing something in the story, after wanted write what that character need help with, after but tell what happened instead of what the character wanted to happen, and after so tell what finally happened at the end .
Somebody - (who)
Wanted- (problem)
But- (what happened)
So - (solution)
Wednesday Draw a picture of Flip Flop and write as many words as you can that rhyme with frog.
Thursday Make a paper plate frog. ( if you dont have a plate use any art supplies that you have. )
Balancing Bears Comparing Numbers
by Megan Atwood Year Published: 2012Week of April 13
Monday Read the book. Ar quiz # 150217
Tuesday Find these 5 words in the story.
1. Symbol 2. omnivores 3. cub 4.cuddle 5. protective
Use the glossary (page 24) to find the meaning of these words. Draw a picture to illustrate the meaning of each word.
*cub is not in the glossary.
Wednesday Make up your own math problems comparing numbers like the author did in the story. Draw a picture to illustrate your problems.
Don't forget to use the right symbols in your problems. <, >, and =
Thursday and Friday Write your own book about comparing numbers. Don't forget to illustrate each page. Add a cover with the author's name, illustrator's name, and the title.
Have a great week! I miss you and can't wait to see each of you again. Save your books and bring them to library when we return to school.
by Carey Molter Year Published: 2001Week of April 6 -10
Read the book Zebras on the ABDO digital library site on my webpage. Username and password are on the page. Ar quiz # 55458
Monday Read the book.
Tuesay On Page 22, pick 3 of the nouns and write a rhyming word for each. Pick 3 verbs and write a sentence about a zebra using those verbs. Draw a picture to match one of your sentences.
Wednesday Make up 5 math problems using zebra and a draw a picture to show each. Ex. 3 zebras + 2 zebras = 5 zebras then draw a picture to match this problem.
Thursday and Friday Make your own book about zebras. Write the words and illustrate the sentences. Don't for get the Cover, author's name and illustrator's name.
100th Day Worries
by Margery Cuyler Year Published: 2000Week of Jan 13 - 17
The First grade classes read 100th Day Worries. This is a fiction story. Jessica worries about everything and her teacher assigned the class to bring 100 things for the 100th day of school. Jessica worries about the assignment for a whole week. Jessica's family helped her collect 100 items to bring to school.
The Night Before the 100th Day of School
by Natasha Wing Year Published: 2005Week of Jan. 13 - 17
The Kindergarten classes read The Night Before the 100th Day of School. It is a fiction book about a little boy who has to bring a collection of 100 things to school to celebrate the 100th day. He finally decides to bring the 100 ants in his ant farm. The ants escape but the kids get them back in the ant farm and have a great celebration.
Sneezy the Snowman
by Maureen Wright Year Published: 2010Week of Jan 7 - 10
The first grade classes read Sneezy the Snowman. This is a fiction book. Sneezy was cold and tried to find ways to stay warm. We discussed why sneezy could not get in a hot tub, stand by a fire, or drink hot chocolate.
Snowmen at Night
by Caralyn Buehner Year Published: 2002Week of Jan. 7 - 10
The Kindergarten classes read Snowmen at Night. This is a fiction book. In this book, we learn that snowmwn do some interesting things while we sleep at night. They ice skate, have snowball fights, and drink ice cold cocoa. They make sure they return home before the sun comes up so we do not know about all the fun they have at night.
The Berenstain Bear's Christmas Tree
by Stan and Jan Berenstain Year Published: 2008Week of Dec. 16 - 19
The Kindergarten and First grade classes watched The Berenstain Bear's Christmas Tree. We learned that Christmas is not about the trees and presents but it is about our family and friends.
Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree
by Robert Barry Year Published: 1963Week of Dec. 9 - 13
First grade classes read Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree. In this book Mr. Willowby get a huge Christmas tree and it was too big for his parlor. He cut off the top and it ended up that seven different families got a Christnmas tree because He threw away the top of his tree. We discussed all the characters in the book. What a great message; one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Santa's Stuck
by Rhonda Gowler Greene Year Published: 2004Week of Dec 9 - 13
Kindergarten classes read Santa's Stuck. It is a fiction book. In this story Santa has been eating too many cookies and he get stuck in the chimney. We discussed some healthier snacks we could leave for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Is.....
by Gail Gibbons Year Published: 2001Week of Dec. 2 - 6
First grade classes read Christmas Is.... This is a book about all the traditions and symbols of the Christmas season. What a way to kick off the season by learning about many of the symbols that we see at this itme of the year.
Turkey Claus
by Wendi Silvano Year Published: 2012Week of Dec. 2 - 6
Kindergarten classes read Turkey Claus. Turkey Claus is a continuing story from Thanksgiving. Turkey does not want to be Christmas dinner so he tries to get in to see Santa to tell him his wish. Turkey wears many costumes to try to see Santa. He finally gets in and Santa grants his wish. What a fun story to kick off the Christmas season.
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
by Charles Schulz Year Published: 1973Week of Nov. 18 - 22
Kindergarten and First grade classes watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. We discussed how books are turned into movies.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving
by Eve Bunting Year Published: 1991Week of Nov. 11 - 15
The first grade classes read A Turkey For Thanksgiving. It is a story about a Moose family that wants to have a turkey for Thanksgiving. The turkey thinks it is so he can be dinner but they really want him to be a guest. He was so excited to be a guest and not to be dinner for the family.
Turkey Trouble
by Wendi Silvano Year Published: 2009Week of Nov. 11 - 15
The kindergarten classes read Turkey Trouble. It is a fiction book about a turkey who tries to hide by wearng costumes so the farmer's family will not eat him for Thanksgiving. In the end Turkey gives the family pizza for Thanksgiving. Many kindergarten classes decorated turkey to hide them.
Totem Tales
by Deb Vanasse Year Published: 2006Week of Nov. 4 - 8
First grade classes read Totem Tales. We learned that totem poles were used to tell stories by Indians long ago. The animals in the story had to remember the sequence of the story to put themselves back in the correct order on the totem pole. After library the children made totem poles in art and used them to tell stories.
by Rebecca Pettiford Year Published: 2016Week of Nov. 4 -8
The Kindergarten classes read Thanksgiving. It is a nonfiction book. We learned about the table of contents and how to use it.
We discussed things that we are thankful for in our lives. Each of us have so much to be thankful for that is was hard to name them all.
by Robert Munsch Year Published: 2004Week of Oct. 28 - Nov. 1
First grade classes read Boo!. Boo! is a fiction story. Fiction stories have characters, which are people, animals, and creatures in the story. Boo! is about a boy who wants to scare people with his costume on Halloween. We discussed how to be safe on Halloween.
Room on the Broom
by Julia Donaldson Year Published: 2001Weof Oct. 28 - Nov. 1
Kindergarten classes read Room On The Broom. Room on the Broom is a fiction book. Fiction stories have characters which are people, animals, and creatures in the story. The witch in the story was to the animals that helped her by letting them ride her broom and they in turn helped her in a scary situation. This was a fun story to get ready for Halloween.
by Valerie Bodden Year Published: 2011Week of Oct. 21 - 25
First grade classes read Spiders. Spiders is a nonfiction book. We saw real pictures of spiders. We learned that spiders have two body parts, eight legs, and most spiders have eight eyes. Spiders also eat insects and there are more than 35,000 different kinds of spiders. We used the glossary to learn the meaning of words we did not know. Most nonfiction books have a glossary in the back to learn new words.
by Patricia Whitehouse Year Published: 2003Week of Oct. 21 - 25
Kindergarten classes read Bats. Bats is a nonfiction book. We saw pictures of real bats. We learned that bats are nocturnal. Bats are mammals and they have fur. Most bats eat moths and fruit. They live in caves, trees, and under roofs and bridges.
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
by Linda Williams Year Published: 1986Week of Sept. 30 - Oct. 4
First Grade Classes are reading The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. We are learning about characters in the story. Characters are the people, animals, and creatures that the story is about. We are also learning about the setting of the story. The setting is where and when the story happens.
Shelf Markers
by kellie Saulsbury Year Published:Week of Sept 30 - Oct. 4
The kindergarten classes are learning how to go to the shelves to finds a library book.
We discussed that the books are in a certain order and they must stay in that order so others can find a book. We learned how to use a shelf marker to mark the place of a book that we are looking at. They checked out a library to take home.
Seasons of the Year
by Margaret Hall Year Published: 2007Week of Sept. 23 - 27
First grade classes are reading Seasons of the Year. We are learning about nonfiction books. Nonfiction books are books about real things, events, animals, places, and people. We have learned how to use the table of contents to see what we are going to be reading about in the book we pick.
by Emily C. Dawson Year Published: 2013Week of Sept. 23 - 27
The Kindergarten classes are reading Fall. We are learning about nonfiction books. Nonfiction books are about real things, animals, events, people, and places. We also learned that many of the pictures in a nonfiction book are taken with a camera.
The Little Bully
by Beth Bracken Year Published: 2012Week of Sept 9 - 13
The first grade classes read The Little Bully. In the story Billy was a kind friend to everyone but Fred bullied Billy all the time. We learned the things that a bully might do and ways to be kind to a bully. We also learned that we should always tell someone if we are being bullied. We can tell our parents, teachers, bus driver and grandparents.
Lacey Walker Nonstop Talker
by Christianne Jones Year Published: 2012Week of Sept. 9-13
Kindergarten classes learned about being a good listener. Lacey Walker liked to talk all the time and she missed out on lots of good things because of her talking. We reviewed the rules are a good listen.
When we are listening we should: sit on our botton criss cross applesauce, have our hands in our lap, have our eyes on the speaker, have quiet lips, and not interupt.
Shelf Markers
by Mrs. Saulsbury Year Published:Week of Sept. 3 - 6
First grade classes reviewed how to go to the shelves to find a library book. We discussed that the books are in a certain order and they must stay that way so others can find the books. We learned how to use a shelf marker to mark the place of a book that we are looking at. Students checked out library books.
Taking Care of Library Books
by Mrs. Saulsbury Year Published:Week of Sept. 3 -6
The kindergarten class reviewed how to care for library books. We looked at books that have been damaged and discussed ways this damage could be prevented. We looked at library books this week.
What Happened to Marion's Book
by Brook Berg Year Published: 2003Week of Aug 26 - Aug 30
In first grade, we read What Happened to Marion's Book. It is a story about a hedgehog that did not take care of her library book. We discussed ways to take care of our books. We learned to read our book with clean hands, to never write in our books, to be careful turning the pages, to keep our book away from food or drink, to keep our book in a safe place. We also talked about how important it is to return our book on our library day.
Mr. Wiggle's Book
by Paula Craig and Carol Thompson Year Published: 2004Week of Aug 26 - Aug 30
Kindergarten classes read Mr. Wiggle's Book and learned about how to take of our library books.
We learned that we need to always handle our book with clean hands, never write in our book, be careful turning the pages, keep our book away from drinks and food, keep our book away from pets and babies, and keep our book in a safe place. We also learned that we must return our book on our library day.
How I Became a Pirate
by Melinda Long Year Published: 2003Week of Aug 19 - Aug 23
How I Became a Pirate was read to the First Graders the first week of school. We are all excited to be Pearl Pirates. We reviewed the rules of the library,
Pirates Go To School
by Corinne Demas Year Published: 2011Week of Aug 19 - Aug 23
Pirates Go To School was read to kindergarten students the first week of Library. We learned the rules of the library. We learned a chant about school.
Yo Ho Ho
We're so cool
We are Pirates
and We love School
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