Northside Elementary

Dedicated to Excellence

Northside Announcements

  • Dec. 13- Pajama Day for students who donated $1 for custodians

    Dec. 16- Rudolph Day-Wear Red or Reindeer Holiday Attire

    Dec. 17- Rock Around the Tree- Wear Green or Dress Like a Christmas Tree

    Dec. 18- Grinch Day- Wear Grinch or Whoville attire

    Dec. 19- Christmas Party and Sing-Along- students only. Wear your favorite holiday attire 

    Dec. 20- Early Release Day- Lunch will NOT be served

    Jan. 6- Professional Development Day- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!

    Jan. 7- Students return to school 

    Jan. 9- Report Cards go home with students

    Jan 10- All A Breakfast

    Jan 17- PBIS Store and 100th Day of School Celebration. Northside is Groovin through 100 days. Students may dress like they are 100, in their grooviest attire, or their best tie-dye. 

    Jan. 20- School Holiday

    Jan. 21-3rd grade Winter Program for the following classes: Ezell, Friday, Guillory, Machost, Murphy, Price, and Sullivan

    Jan. 28- 3rd grade Winter Program fo the following classes: Moore, Parks, Rucker, Vanderford, Welch, White, and Wilson

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Northside School Adopter

  • Northside Pirates Are . . . 






     Northside Pirates are committed to “Hitting It Out of The Park!” with their sponsor, Mississippi Braves!


  • Daily Schedule

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

    School starts at 7:30 a.m. and dismisses at 2:00 p.m. 


    School starts at 7:30 a.m. and dismisses at 1:30 p.m. 


    For more information on arrival and departure times, please see page 72 in the Parent/Student Handbook.



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The mission of Pearl Public School District is to prepare each student to become a lifelong learner, achieve individual goals, and positively impact a global society.

Northside Happenings

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  • Labels for Education: Box Tops and Community Coffee labels

    Please send these to your student's teacher to earn rewards for Northside Elementary

    box tops