Hello, I am Heather Howell. I am the Music Teacher at Pearl Lower. The 2022-23 school year is my 5th year teaching at Pearl Lower and my 10th year in Music Education. I am excited to be sharing my passion for Music with your student(s). I am an alumnus of Pearl and am pleased to share my knowledge gained in Pearl Schools, Delta State Music programs and beyond. I am blessed to feed students with music experiences through the same programs that fed my love of music when I was a student in PPSD. My goal is to foster a joy in Music for all of our PLE students that future teachers can build on and provide students with meaningful musical experiences they can carry with them for life. My hope is that all of our children in PLE and the Pearl Public School District have access to learning and understanding the building blocks of music. At Pearl Lower we focus on maintaining a steady beat, rhythm and melody. In learning these music foundations, we also learn solfege (Do, Re, Mi, etc.) and corresponding Curwin handsigns. We use sol-fege and handsigns to help us learn to sing in unison, learn to read color-coded music and play color-coded instruments, such as bells, Boomwhackers and pitched percussion instruments.