• Registration for students who attended last year

     Registration is completed through your ActiveParent account.  Log in to your existing ActiveParent account OR create a new ActiveParent account.  You may access your ActiveParent account at https://pearl.activeparent.net (direct link) OR on the district website (www.pearlk12.com) under the PARENT tab.  You may access your student's registration through your ActiveParent account.  If you enrolled a student in PPSD last year, then your student is already attached to your account for registration.  You may access their registration through your ActiveParent account by clicking on the paper/pencil icon in the upper right-hand side of the menu bar on your ActiveParent account.

    Students not enrolled in Pearl Public Schools at the end of last year should consult the New-to-the-District Student Registration section below.  If your child is a returning student (registered in a school in the Pearl Public School District at the end of last year), please consult the Current Students - Registration section below.

    All parents must submit two current proofs of residency prior to the beginning of school on August 1.  

    **You must complete online registration before providing proof of residence.

    Students are not registered for school until proof of residence has been provided.

    Grades K-5

    Proof of residence may be taken to the appropriate school 

    Tuesday, July 30 – 12:00-6:00 during Meet the Teacher

    If you have not provided proof of residence BEFORE August 1, you must wait until Tuesday, August 6.

    Thursday, August 1, Friday, August 2, & Monday, August 5 – NO REGISTRATIONS

    Tuesday, August 6 (forward) – 8:00 – 10:00 daily

    Pearl Junior High School

    Monday, July 29 - Wednesday, July 31 – 8:00 – 3:00

    If you have not provided proof of residence BEFORE August 1, you must wait until Monday, August 5.

    Thursday, August 1 and Friday, August 2 – NO REGISTRATIONS

    Monday, August 5 (forward) – resume accepting proofs

    Pearl High School

    If you have not provided proof of residence BEFORE August 1, you must wait until Monday, August 5.

    Thursday, August 1 and Friday, August 2 – NO REGISTRATIONS


    Click here for online registration instructions.

New-to-the-District Student Registration

  • If your child is new to the Public School District, you will need to contact the appropriate school(s) in order to register your child(ren).

    Please contact the appropriate school to request a code  

    Pearl Lower Elementary

    Grades K-1


    Northside Elementary

    Grades 2–3


    Pearl Upper Elementary

    Grades 4–5


    Pearl Junior High School

    Grades 6–8


    press 7 to schedule an appointment

    Pearl High School

    Grades 9–12


    For Pearl High School - contact the appropriate counselor

    Penny Pitts, Counselor 

    12th Grade

    Courtney Matthews, Counselor

    • 10th Grade Students
    • 11th Grade Super Scholars
    • 11th Grade

    (Last Names A - H)

    Tiffany Durr, Counselor

    • 9th Grade
    • 11th Grade 

    (Last Names I - Z)

    You will need to bring the following items in order to register your child.

    • Child’s original certified birth certificate
    • Child’s original immunization Form 121 (shot record)
      • Proof of additional immunization required for 7th-grade entry
    • Child’s original social security card
    • Parent’s/guardian’s photo ID
    • 1st - 12th grades - Report Card/Transcript from child's previous school
    • 6th - 12th grades - Discipline history from child's previous school
    • Withdrawal form from the previous school is required if you have attended another school THIS YEAR.
    • Residency proofs, click for more information

    Only a custodial parent/legal guardian may register a child.

Current Students - Registration

  • Forgot your ActiveParent password?

    If you have forgotten your password - there is a forgot password link on the ActiveParent login page - https://pearl.activeparent.net

    Forgot your ActiveParent login?

    Please contact the school your child will attend this year.

    Where can I access my student's registration form on my ActiveParent account?

    You may access your student's registration form by clicking on the paper/pencil icon on the upper, right-hand side of your ActiveParent screen, and you will be able to select your child's name from the drop-down box labeled Please Choose a Student To Begin Registration.

Sign Up for Text Alerts - Transportation

  • Students boarding a school bus at bus stop

    To receive Text Alerts:

    Pearl Lower Elementary  - Text @buslele to 81010

    Northside Elementary -  Text @busnele to 81010

    Pearl Upper Elementary - Text @buspele to 81010

    Pearl Jr. High - Text @busjrhigh to 81010

    Pearl High School - Text @bushighsc to 81010