Make sure you are studying your vocabulary words, journal notes, and STEMscopes every night. Students are allowed to take home workbooks and journals every night.
If you missed a day of notes, check our google classroom.
My name is Kaetlyn Gross. I am a 5th Grade Science Teacher and Robotics Coach at Pearl Upper Elementary. This is my fifth year of teaching. I am a Pearl graduate (Class of 2016). I got my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and Master's in Elementary Education from Mississippi College. I love cactuses and pastel colors. I have three dogs named Evander, Liberty, and Nelli. I have a goat named Georgie and many reptile friends. I got married in March of 2022 and was previously Miss Nolan. I just had a son in June named Franky. I am really excited about this year. We are going to have a great year. Stay Sharp!