• hotlines and helplines

    image source: Mississippi Department of Health


    managing coronavirus anxiety infographic

    image source: https://www.blessingmanifesting.com/

    food pantries in Pearl

    food pantries in Jackson

    food pantries in Brandon

    Click here for tips for handling COVID-19 from home

    Follow the Child Mind Institute on FB or visit their website to get daily advice and tips for parenting during this time.

    Practicing Mindfulness at Home

    Plese remember that how you model behavior during this time plays a huge part in how our children respond. This may not always be the case, but sometimes it certainly can help or hurt the situation. If possbile, keep your student on a schedule for consistency. Just because you're stuck home doesn't mean that you can't have a set routine like they do at school.

    PPSD is offering "Grab and Go Lunches" every day at Pearl Lower Elementary from 10:30-12:30. They are serving free hot lunch and a bagged breakfast for the following day to all children regardless of enrollment in our district. Adults may purchase a meal for $3.50. At this time, your child/children must be with you to get the meal. 

    Be sure to visit this page for information on Distance Learning. If you're having any issues, reach out to either myself or your student's classroom teacher.

    I'm also more than willing to conference with you and your student through phone by appointment. Please email me if needed. I'm responding to emails daily at cbatson@pearlk12.com.

    Together, we can make it through this. #WEAREPEARL