• About the PJHS Library

    Librarian/Media Specialist-Debbie Berry



    The Pearl Junior High School Library houses a variety of fiction, nonfiction, and reference books and materials.  Faculty and students of Pearl Junior High are encouraged to utilize the library and take full advantage of its resources. 


    Library hours are from 7:45 am – 3:20pm


    Collections Available for Checkout:


    ·Computer Science, Information, and General Works

    ·Philosophy and Psychology


    ·Social Sciences





    ·History and Geography

    ·Autobiography and Biography




    Reference Materials



    MackinVia Online Library is now available. Go to the Pearl Junior High School Homepage under announcements for access instructions.







    ·Dictionary – Abridged and Unabridged

    ·World Atlas

    ·World Almanac






    ·Discovery and Technology





    ·Social Studies

    ·Autobiography and Biography